Stan is a multi-award winning Producer, Writer and Director. He manages the world famous, Stella Adler Theater, home to such legends as Marlon Brando, Gary Ross, Harvey Keitel and Robert De Niro.
He is the author of A Guerrilla in the Midst, a book on the art of independent filmmaking, published in 2007 and released at the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) in April of the same year. He is sought after speaker on the subject of Writing, Directing and Filmmaking and has been invited to speak at conferences and schools locally and abroad including The National Association Of Broadcasters (Las Vegas), The SEA Conferences (Los Angeles, Illinois) and Women in Film (Hollywood).
It starts with the script! His (Stan's) scripts are driven by deliciously rich, drawn characters no matter the size, no matter the genre!
- Joseph D'Agosta MGM (Head of Casting)
"If here's one thing we can understand, appreciate and learn from Stan Harrington's story is that great talent can indeed win over a great budget"
-Carolyne Firestone, Hollywood Scriptwriter Magazine
Here is a man who understands story, character, dialogue, and performance...you could do a lot worse than having a man like Harrington in your corner.
- The Top 100 Indie Filmmakers in the
World Pt. 1
I was intruiged by the title and asked him to send me a script. He did and I was moved by the script... I played his father.
-John Saxon, Enter The Dragon, Nightmare on Elm St.
Stan inspired me to recognize the new breed of filmmaker; one who isn't afraid of surmounting obstacles, one who dares to dream big when resources are small and one that desires to see the finish line beneath his feet...I'm inspired.
-Douglas Spotted Eagle, Sundance Media Group
Script Consultation
Script Doctoring
Writer's Block? Want to finish that screenplay you started so long ago? Or, ready to start your first screenplay?
Writer, Filmmaker and Published Author, Stan Harrington is now available for Skype consultation.
Contact Stan@xristosproductions.com or fill in the contact sheet below for rates on a one hour consultation, script doctoring or for services as a scriptwriter. We can help you create, fix or do the work for you. There's a deal for everything.
Stop wasting money on services and publications provided by so-called experts who have never had a feature screenplay produced. Surprisingly (or not) some have never even completed a feature script.
Stan is a multi-award winning Producer, Writer and Director. He manages the world famous, Stella Adler Theater, home to such legends as Marlon Brando, Gary Ross, Harvey Keitel and Robert De Niro.
He is the author of A Guerrilla in the Midst, a book on the art of independent filmmaking, published in 2007 and released at the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) in April of the same year. He is sought after speaker on the subject of Writing, Directing and Filmmaking and has been invited to speak at conferences and schools locally and abroad including The National Association Of Broadcasters (Las Vegas), The SEA Conferences (Los Angeles, Illinois) and Women in Film (Hollywood).
Stan is an amazing filmmaker who excels at telling unique narratives in surprising ways.
-Jeffrey P. Fisher
Author, Composer, Lecturer De Paul University

Stan is the man! He's told stories from every angle...writer, director, actor, producer.
- Harold L. Brown, Author, Screenwriter.
With his instict and savvy, Stan has guided me on my own writing projects, most of which would have been banished to half finished, long forgotten, computer files long ago without Stan's knowledge, passion and the occasional kick in the ass.
- - Rick Peters,
Actor, Writer, Dexter, Veronica Mars

1 Hour
Skype Meeting